Filthy Luker

Filthy Luker è un artista di Bristol conosciuto per i suoi lavori di arte urbana.
Le sue opere, enormi installazioni gonfiabili, sono dinamiche, ironiche e mutano la funzione di oggetti di uso quotidiano aggiungendo dettagli spiazzanti al fine di disorientare i passanti e strappare una risata o un’espressione di stupore. Le sue opere inoltre commentano lo scontro tra l’uomo e la natura e riflettono sull’urbanizzazione e il degrado metropolitano.


In the last few years Filthy Luker has dedicated himself to the creation of inflatable urban art pieces that interact with public space. With this intervention, a sort of shapeless mass reminiscent of the gelatinous monster in the celebrated film Blob, appears on the roof of one of the pavilions. Spilling over the roof, it seems as though it is about to pour onto the pavement below. This ambiguous presence strikes a balance between threatening and sympathetic. It’s a sort of invasion of the former barracks’ space that seems to, on one hand, represent fear in the face of a threat from a depersonalized urban context, and on the other hope in a new way of conceiving space through urban art.

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