Luca Di Maggio – Moving Forward
Moving Forward presenta una riflessione dell’artista sul concetto di movimento, come percorso e tappa fondamentale nella vita di ognuno. I personaggi raffigurati in rocambolesche pose, rappresentavano il primo passo di una meditazione che ha portato poi l’artista a ridipingere di bianco il muro da poco realizzato. Il muro bianco come un rinnovato grado zero è il punto di partenza per il percorso che è giunto alla parete bianca del Teatro Palladium. Un lavoro simbolo di un processo e frutto di una riflessione anche del contesto in cui l’intervento è ospitato. Pensato quindi, non solo spazialmente per la parete del foyer ma concettualmente anche per il festival Outdoor; l’artista cogliendo in pieno la fase di cambiamento del festival, ha proposto una sua personale visione intimista e temporalmente proiettata nel futuro.
Moving Forward represents Luca di Maggio’s considerations on the concepts of movement, evolution and development, intended as the path and necessary stages of every person’s life journey. The project stems from a previous artwork realised in the city of Halle; the characters, depicted in absurd poses resembling circus contortionists, represent the first steps towards a thought process that brought the artist to completely repaint in white a wall that was finished not long before. The essence of the concept of movement, intended as action, was completely captured with this gesture. The white wall, like a renewed Degree Zero, is the starting point for a path that has led to another white wall: the one in the Palladium theatre. From the white wall in Halle to the white wall in the foyer, between outdoor and indoor, a crossing that symbolises an artistic process in continual development. The marked traces almost expressionism-like, a stylistic trait of Luca di Maggio, delineate imperfect characters, clumsy, with timid movements; these apparent main characters of the artwork become the background to a deeper reflection. An artwork that symbolises a process and is the result of a reflection, even on the environment hosting it. The work was thought of spatially not just for the walls of the foyer, but also conceptually for the Outdoor festival. The artist, managing to fully capture the change the festival is undergoing, moving into a new phase after three editions, has proposed his personal and intimate vision projected into the future.