MOVING FORWARD #2 presso l’ OUTDOOR Urban Art Festival apre e accoglie contenuti speciali che vanno dal video all’architettura passando per la tecnologia e la musica
sabato 15 novembre 2014
La Dogana San Lorenzo
Cityvision presenta: Maxi Spina Lecture
La conferenza di Maxi Spina investigherà su tematiche legate alla geometria differenziale, al calcolo e a quei mezzi di fabbricazione che influenzano la nascita di logiche formali e tettoniche innovative in architettura. Attraverso i fondamenti storici, teorici e formali presenti nei suoi progetti – sia speculativi e che realizzati – Spina articolerà la lecture unendo il concetto di presenza corporea in architettura alla sua base tettonica.
MOVING FORWARD #2 at Outdoor Urban Art Festival opens and receives special contents form video to architecture through technology and music.
November 15th, 2014
Ex Dogana in San Lorenzo
Cityvision presents: Maxi Spina Lecture
Maxi Spina’s conference will investigate issues related to differential geometry, calculation and those manufacturing tools that influence the emergence of innovative formal and tectonic logics in architecture.
Through the historical, theoretical and formal foundations present in his projects – both speculative and realized – Spina will articulate the lectures by combining the concept of body presence in architecture with its tectonic base. All this thanks to a critical analysis of the relationship between the generative tools and today’s representation of the architectural discipline.