Raphael Marchetti & Rachel Rosalem – Socket Screen / Territorios Complexos
Per Outdoor i due artisti hanno presentato due progetti ambientati all’interno e all’esterno dell’Ambasciata del Brasile, volti al coinvolgimento dello spettatore nel mondo digitale. In piazza Navona sulla parete esterna dell’Ambasciata il progetto SocketScrenn. Una performance in cui il pubblico diventa protagonista della creazione audiovisiva e parte integrante di un intervento collettivo. Nella Galleria Candido Portinari l’istallazione TerritóriosComplexos 2334s 4639w, una nuova visione della città di San Paolo incentrata sull’Avenida Paulista, considerata lo snodo principale fin dalla sua apertura nel 1891. L’istallazione, montata con due proiettori dentro una struttura architettonica specchiata, crea uno spazio caleidoscopico, asimmetrico e polifonico.
The two projects, presented by the two artists for the Outdoor Urban Art Festival, have involved both the interior and the exterior of the Brazilian Embassy with the aim to attract the audience into the digital world. The Socket Screen project on the external wall of the Embassy in Piazza Navona. This is a performance that make the audience be the protagonist of an audiovisual creation and part of a collective action. Through a web application for smartphones created by the artists, the audience is asked for typing a few words. This generate a sequence of images taken from the network. By accessing to the mobile application, the viewer is directly connected to the performance and he will live through the audio visual composition projected on the façade individually and collectively together with the rest of the audience. The installation Territories Complexos 4639w 2334s exposed into the Embassy, in the Candido Portinari Gallery. This represents a new vision of the city of São Paulo focusing on Avenida Paulista, considered as the main junction of the city since its opening in 1891. By using different survey devices, such as cameras, video cameras and GPS, this area has been mapped, and a lot of audiovisual data have been recorded. The installation, created with two projectors in a mirror architectural structure, produces a kaleidoscopic, asymmetric and polyphonic space.