Sten Lex
What a Wonderful City
You made it!
“Outdoor Urban Art Festival ha chiuso il suo ciclo di interventi artistici nell’ex area industriale di Roma con il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo più ambizioso: finanziare un’installazione di Street Art attraverso una piattaforma di crowdfunding. L’operazione, prima del suo genere in Italia, si è conclusa con un successo corale ottenuto grazie a oltre 200 donazioni ricevute in un periodo di tempo limitato a 50 giorni. La partecipazione è stata straordinaria e la raccolta fondi ha addirittura superato i 10,000 euro necessari alla realizzazione della maxi installazione di Sten Lex. I pionieri dello stencil graffiti hanno avuto così modo di esprimersi nuovamente sulla stessa parete dove intervennero nel 2010 con un’installazione di Poster Art. Il risultato è un grandioso successo ottenuto grazie alle donazioni di collezionisti, appassionati d’arte e cittadini. Un’operazione con una valenza specifica, capace di dimostrare come oggi a Roma, in Italia e in Europa ci sia un’attenzione e un desiderio collettivo di arte pubblica e come la Street Art riesca a suscitare emozione negli animi di molti”.
Paesaggio – Sten Lex
Ventiquattro metri per dodici, una superficie che Sten Lex conoscono molto bene. Un ritorno al Festival Outdoor sulla stessa facciata dove sono intervenuti nella prima edizione, la volontà di lasciare una traccia permanente nel quartiere Garbatella che nel 2010 ha visto, e soprattutto accolto, la nascita del festival. Questo muro è l’epilogo di una storia fatta di molti protagonisti, una bella storia che ha visto Sten Lex tornare sulla stessa parete e mostrare l’evoluzione della loro ricerca artistica, un festival crescere e consolidarsi, la partecipazione attiva del pubblico che per la prima volta non è più solo spettatore ma vero e proprio sostenitore, mecenate.
Questa volta la traccia lasciata porta con sé diverse impronte.
What a Wonderful City
You made it!
Outdoor Urban Art Festival has ended its series of artistic interventions in the old industrial area of Rome by accomplishing its most ambitious objective: to fund a Street Art exhibition through crowdfunding. This operation, the first of its kind in Italy, has ended with a resounding success thanks to the participation of over 200 donations obtained in the limited time of just 50 days. The participation by donors has been extraordinary and the petition has reached and gone over the € 10,000 needed to realise the maxi installation by Sten Lex. The pioneers of stencil graffiti have been able to express themselves once more on the wall they had worked on the first time in 2010 with an installation of Poster Art. The result is a superb success obtained thanks to donations from art collectors, art fanatics and members of the public. This operation has a well-defined value, which demonstrates how today in Rome, but also in Italy and Europe, there is a collective desire for public art. It also demonstrates that Street Art is capable of sparking emotions in so many people.
Landscape – Sten Lex
24 by 12 m. An area that Sten Lex know very well. A return to the Outdoor festival on the same façade the artists worked on in its first edition, when they expressed a need to leave a permanent mark in Garbatella (a neighbourhood in Rome) that in 2010 has housed, but most importantly welcomed, the birth of the festival. The developmental path of the two artists has been a long journey; from small to large surfaces, their artistic research has been through a lot of changes, an evolution and maturity that has seen them leave the figurative world. From the footballer Totti’s huge face emerging from rips to cover the whole façade of this same building, through experimentations with anonymous portraits, they are now landing in a world where common references no longer exist. After a footnote (still in the making) of abstract lines, confused and undefined marks, and which is still very much part of their journey, comes a time of broken traits and geometry, and perhaps even a hint of colour. Their wavy lines and half-circles, like stamps, seal their return to Rome and the power of this entire operation, realised through crowdfunding. This wall represents the first public artwork realized thanks to donations from common people. This wall is the epilogue to a story with many characters; a wonderful story that has seen Sten Lex return to the same façade and show their artistic evolution. But it has also seen the festival grow and establish itself, with the active participation of a public that for the first time is not just a spectator but a real supporter, a patron.
This time the trail left behind has different footprints.